Why didn’t God have his son born in Rome?

“Why was Jesus born in an Arabian land & culture and why he had to deliver his sermons in a semi-Arabian tongue?”


By Dr. Ashraf Ezzat

Not necessarily having to be labelled Muslim, I was raised in a land/region with a Muslim Majority population, namely Egypt. Once again, not necessarily having to be branded as Christian, Egypt has one of the most ancient Christian communities whose members are called Copts and their ancient Church the Coptic Orthodox Church.

Although Christianity had practically first appeared in the East (the ancient Levant) in places like Palestine, Syria and of course Egypt. But the truth of the matter is that if we, right now, want to geographically categorize world religions we will have to concede to the following fact; the East is predominantly Muslim, the Far East Buddhist and Hindu while the West is predominantly Christian.

But I have a nagging problem with this geographical distribution, for Jesus Christ was said to have been born in Palestine (a genuine part of the East or what used to be called, and till this day, The Levant)

If God, the omniscient, had undoubtedly foreseen this geographical divide with all the conflict and intolerance that it would surely entail, why then didn’t he simply have his son born in ancient Greece, France or Rome for that matter? Why complicate things?

Once again, not necessarily having to be classified as atheist, why help politicize religion and turn spiritual affairs into drones carrying so called smart missiles?
After all it was the Roman Empire and church that controlled and canonized the literature of the then newly–fledged Christianity. Hence, Rome, as a birthplace for Jesus, would not only have been more convenient, but also would have saved the world many past and future religious wars/crusades. Not to mention the eagerly awaited mother of all battles, the so-called Armageddon.

Why did Jesus – as the story goes – have to be born in Palestine, a part of the Levant, or in other words the heart of the Ancient Near East? It is so enigmatic, for this is a land with an indigenous culture that runs contrary, if not hostile, to the western/Roman culture and more importantly its concept of Jesus. And do I mean by that that people of the Ancient Near East had another, oriental if you like, concept of Jesus? Yes I do.

In the eastern concept/story, Jesus is called Eas’sa the son of Mar’iam. It is a far older story than that of the Roman version of ‘Jesus”. In short it is one of Ancient Arabia’s religious cults and folk stories (topic of a future essay)

Some will argue that the biblical Lord might have had a sort of long run plan to turn the whole world into accepting Jesus as the Son of God and their savior, no matter where he was born. Even if Jesus’ birthplace was in the heart of a genuinely Eastern land that was indeed influenced by ancient Arabian culture and traditions.

Others will argue that when Jesus was born, Palestine was already part of the Roman Empire. Well, I’m quite familiar with this fact, but being occupied by the Romans doesn’t make the people of Palestine, with their genuine eastern culture/traditions more Roman than the British occupation made India (the land of Buddhism and Hinduism) British.

Let’s admit it, the story of Jesus took place on an Eastern land whose Eastern people spoke Aramaic (a mere dialect of the Arabic tongue).

But then, and after few decades the Bibles of the new Christian faith began to pop up not in Palestine, as one would have logically guessed, but the Bibles had appeared in the Western side of the Roman Empire.

And guess in what language? Not in Aramaic, the language Jesus was said to have spoken, but strangely enough in the tongue of the mother of all western languages; Greek.

The story of the nativity is re-enacted all over the western churches/schools around the time of Christmas with people/actors dressed up in ancient Arabian garments and head covers/pieces (The keffiyeh or kufiya – the symbolic head dress of Palestinians still worn till this very moment).

Westerners, with their Roman culture, keep repeating this Christmas re-enactment (ceremonial tradition) dressed in a completely foreign clothing that is undoubtedly Arabian. But the weird thing is that nobody in the Christian west wonders why Jesus had to be born in a semi-Arabian culture and deliver his sermons in a semi-Arabian tongue.

Did God’s plan lack a precise compass, or was Jesus, or better yet “Eas’sa” an Arabian Prophet whose story had somehow been Romanized and romanticized by the then western intellectuals with their Greco-Roman culture?

Some, and rightly so, will bring up the Jewish connection here. They will argue that since Christianity as a theological structure is mainly based on Judaism, Jesus had to be born in the midst of the land of Yehudia/Judaism. In other words, Palestine (according to the mainstream indoctrination).

But is that a correct/valid premise, to begin with? I mean is Palestine really the land of the ancient Israelites and their stories? Did David build his so-called Kingdom and Solomon his so-called temple over the soil of Palestine? Modern Archeologists and historians are in great doubt, if not outright denial, about this hypothesis. Archeologists can’t even validate that what modern-day Jews refer to as the Western Wall is indeed historically related to Herod’s Temple.

Moreover, they can’t even confirm that the foundation of the so-called first Temple lies underneath Al-Aqsa Mosque. Still the Israelis keep on digging under the Muslim Holy shrine, unabashed and undeterred, ever since they had militarily occupied Eastern Jerusalem back in 1967. Over 50 years of their frantic digging has practically yielded zero-evidence that Palestine was indeed the historical land of the Israelites and their stories.

If that what the status quo is, then we are back to the Jewish connection once again. But this time not only are we examining its relation to the geography of Palestine, but to Jesus himself, whom the Jews – quite frankly- till this very moment don’t see/ recognize him as their “Messiah”.

If archeologically and historically Palestine cannot be validated as the land of the Ancient Israelites and their first Temple, and the world Jews don’t accept Jesus as their Messiah, then why was Jesus said to have been born there?

If the Jewish first Temple was never built in Palestine, then what was Jesus, a supposedly physical embodiment of a Jewish prophecy, doing in the absolutely wrong place and temple? Why did God have his son born in the wrong place?

Maybe that explains why Paul, the man who invented (Roman) Christianity, turned his back on Palestine and Arabia and headed to the west and north. Paul did not proselytize in Arabia, which deep in its desert and valleys he had spent three awakening years. And no Arabia in this ancient context doesn’t by any means include the Sinai Peninsula (where Moses is allegedly said to have had his little chat with the God of the Israelites)

Having finished his mysterious sojourn in Arabia, Paul embarked on his mission of spreading the news about a new prophet, a Messiah with a (tailored) message that could very well suit the culture and political agenda of the ancient western world.

Paul, after “burying the dead” of his former theology, began preaching to westerners the story of the Arabian Eas’sa – but with a very, very clever Roman twist.

For more read Dr. Ashraf Ezzat’s book “Egypt Knew no Pharaohs nor Israelites

38 thoughts on “Why didn’t God have his son born in Rome?

  1. I do enjoy the original thinking on this web site!!

    When I first started researching this subject, I was told about the work of Alessandra Nibbi and her conclusions about “The Land of Canaan,” which she felt should include Egypt itself:

    I have concluded that Canaan extended all the way to the Valley of the Kings. In the Bible, the descendants of Canaan were cursed, but the Bible doesn’t actually say why. It was Ham that showed disrespect toward the “Godfather” Noah. As it turns out, Canaan was cursed because the Institution of Kingship that was laid down by Noah was quickly taken up by Canaan and his natural descendants. The curse of Canaan was associated with the taboo of assuming the divine power of life and death over other humans. The royal family chose to break that taboo and accept the curse that went along with it. To them, the “blessings” of world domination were worth it.

    The royal family also presumed to be in the business of creating saviors, and specifically saviors that were also enslavers!

    Jesus was in fact born as a Roman (if not necessarily in Rome proper). His primary Roman name was Marcus Junius Silanus Torquatus. He was a member of the ruling Julio-Claudian family of Rome. He was also a member of the Herodian royal family and went by the name of Aristobulus (of Chalcis). His birth in Bethlehem was merely symbolic and used to identify him as the “government authorized” messiah. (The Bethlehem of Egypt is the town of Akmim. It is likely where Biblical Rachel gave birth to Benjamin, Benjamin being a synonym of Canaan, “the royal prince.” The Jerusalem of Egypt is of course Thebes/Karnak/Luxor.) The birth and death of the Roman Era messiah was deliberately staged in Palestine/Israel in order to provoke the Jews. The Jews had largely been evicted from Egypt and it was decided that they could be better controlled in the relative backwater of Jerusalem (a place of minor significance prior to the 1st Century BC). However, it was finally decided that the royal family’s “business relationship” with Judaism was going to be ended (or at least suspended) and a more compliant group of “loyalists” raised up, namely the gullible Christians.

    Regarding the opinion of some that today’s world is run by “Jewish Bankers,” I can offer the following insight. The royal family used various schemes to control the money supply during Christian times. The Templars served this function for awhile. The Medici family of Florence became royal bankers for a time. However, the royal family never turned over banking to outsiders. They only assumed non-royal identities in order to avoid the stigma of money and money lending within Christian culture. The Medici’s were merely Habsburgs in Renaissance clothing! Likewise, Jewish banking families would not have been Jewish in a traditional sense, but only in name. After the fall of so many royal houses, many of these Jewish identities were retained by necessity and became a permanent feature of international high finance. The royal family is still with us, but has morphed to adapt with the modern world. Certainly, many of the same techniques of population control are still being practiced today as in more ancient times. it seems to remain in the best interest of the establishment to preserve religious fundamentalism. It keeps people living in fear and therefore dependent on existing power structures. It is highly ironic, though, that the institution most responsible for Jewish persecution has taken the covering of Judaism to now avoid persecution. Fact really is stranger than fiction!




  3. I translated this article and added it to the PDF version I made of all your publications, in French, here is the link ► https://jbl1960blog.files.wordpress.com/2018/10/dr-ashraf-ezzat-traduction-de-la-bible-et-falsification-historique-dernic3a8re-version-doctobre-2018.pdf

    Thanks to you and to many archaeologists and anthropologists we are able to answer these questions for ourselves.

    According to a French expression = Who seeks finds…

    Looking forward to reading you ; Ms. Jo Busta Lally, France

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Mais de rien, lorsqu’on nous pousse à l’excellence sur des questions existentielles que tout le monde peut comprendre = Perso, je traduis et relaye avec grand plaisir !


  4. I congratulate you for raising a great question “why Jesus was not born in Rome”. When Rome decided to take Christianity as its state religion, Rome introduced a lot of Mythology and stories from the older religions in the Roman Empire so as to keep every body happy. However, the great snag was the introduction of the Trinity i.e. “God the Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost– the One God’. This was not accepted by many Christians and difficult to understand since it loses the Stress that there is only one God. The result was that these Christians, called monotheists, were excommunicated from the Roman Church and massacred. Some of them managed to flee from the Roman Empire and took refuge in the north of Iraq, north of Persia and Arabia, away from the Roman soldiers. They were called Nestorians, and some were called Jacobites (after Jacob the brother of Christ). Those in Iraq and Persia still exist up to this date. Once I met someone from North Syria who was a Jacobite; he told me that they are Christians but do not believe in the Trinity.

    In Arabia they were active and managed to convert many Arabian tribes to monotheism. This is verified by the large number of pre-Islamic Arab poets who belonged to these Christian tribes. These poems are studied in all Arabic schools by all students of Arabic Literature. It is said that these tribes were among the first to support Prophet Mohammed in his new religion Islam. One reason is that Islam is a monotheist religion. As it is clear in one verse in the Holy Koran That “Isa the son of Merry is but the Messiah”.

    Please note that ISA is the original name of Jesus. Before the letter ’ I ’ there is a Semitic Letter which is the 16th letter of the ABJAD (Phoenician) Alphabet, Called ‘aiyn and when we write Arabic in Latin Alphabet we denote it by 3 . This letter cannot be pronounced easily by Europeans and when the Greeks took the Phoenician Alphabet to write their language they made this letter into the vowel ‘OMEGA’ and the Latins made it into ‘O’’ So the Greeks in the New Testament used ‘ Y’ for this letter and because it is a proper noun, in Greek grammar they add ‘S’ at the end of all proper nouns so the name changed to ‘ Yasus’ and Y in some European countries changes to ‘J’ and so it become ‘JESUS’

    The name ISA is very common in the Arab and Moslem countries. It is used by Christians and Moslems as a first name and as a surname.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Thank you Dr. Ezzat.
    It is interesting to see more people tackle Biblical geography and It seems confusion is largely made by LXX translation. That said it takes a lot to change mainstream, Levantinist and western academic .

    “Struggling to see Palestine” by Micheal Press is good article shows how perception of Palestine was a problem in west as well.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Ancient Arabia certainly has a lot more to it in regards to that history of the Old Testament..granted.
    But how do you reckon all the documented, I say well documented wonders and healings done in Jesus name through the centuries? I dont think you do. Is it all “fake” or power of suggestion? I can assure you it is not.
    What about demons Mr Ezzat? Do you believe in such? Ha..I wish you´d seen some of the things I have…you would have trouble sleeping.
    I followed your work for a few years, you are a knowledgeable man indeed. But denying Jesus Christ…is really pandering to a different crowd you know. I humbly suggest you seize it because no good will come of it.
    Best regards


    1. There is absolutely no historical evidence that Jesus Christ ever existed. The only “evidence” of his historicity is strictly the Church literature. At the time of the alleged Jesus, Palestine and the surrounding area was teeming with an uncommonly large number of Jewish, Roman and Greek writers, and they make no reference to Jesus or Christ. Josephus, the Jewish governor of Palestine at that time, makes no reference of the coming of the Messiah, which is very strange. (There is an insert in his book known as the Testimonium Flavianus which speaks of Christ, but this testimony is widely considered a fake, probably inserted by the early Church fathers, most notably Eusebius). More strange, however, is Philo of Alexandria. A Jewish writer, philosopher and intellectual, he was a frequent traveler between Alexandria and Palestine to meet with the Jewish priests, and he lived from 25 BC to 50 AD –close enough to be Jesus’ brother. How many times did he mention Jesus Christ in his voluminous writings? NOT ONCE. Christ is pure mythology. A lot of people believe in myths. Just like many people believe in Heaven and Hell. Good day to all.


    2. I too have a strong belief in a man that was out spoken of the Jew Money Lenders, and I think a man did exist who had a vast following of people, because of his wonderful healing miracles, this would have made him a target of hate by the Money lenders, after throwing a fit and throwing them out of the synagogues, he called them a den of thieves, and he was right, as today, the Jewish bankers control everything. The demanded his death, and got the Romans to comply. His name may have changed many times, and the Romans may well have used it in their Bible to make the Christian faith..But I did not assume Ash Ezzat was saying the man “Jesus” did not exist, he is stating the facts historically.



    Liked by 1 person

  8. It will take many hands to disassemble the Beast of modern Judeo/Christianity. I am glad to be able to read brave new “visionist” revisionists, keeping to high standards. I always get good information from your writings. Thank you.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Your info is probably Wikipedia-based and I’m afraid it’s not true.
      Arabic language in an ancient language, and unlike what Wikipedia is propagating Aramaic is a dialect (rather than a prototype) of the Ancient Arabian language. Same thing with the Hebrew language.
      Moreover, and to your astonishment, there was no such thing as Canaan or Canaanites in Ancient Palestine and Syria. It is a historical deception. You could untangle this web of lies by reading my book “Egypt Knew no Pharaohs nor Israeltes

      Liked by 4 people

      1. Aramaic is fairly attested in many parts of Arabia. Lihyānite and kindite carved inscriptions in Aramaic. In fact, Arabic exposure expand as we move to north especially between 2nd BCE and 3 AD either way Arabia was multilingual in the past (or Dialects as it said in canonical story of Arabic)


      2. Never said Canaan was in ancient Palestine or Syria. Canaan, also known as Phoenicia is today’s Lebanon, part of sourthern Syria (Arwad) and northern parts of the criminal Zionist state. Or are you also going to deny that?

        The first spoken language was Canaanite (Hebrew was a dialect of it), then came Aramaic and finally Arabic. Worth noting that the Arabic spoken in Lebanon still have many Canaanite/Phoenician words.

        I bought and read your book on Amazon. With all due respect, youre more or less the “Arabian”-centric equivalent of Zionists.


  9. Wasn’t Palestine occupied by Greeks at one point? One of my only theories for Jesus’ story being taken to Greece is that everything that occurred with him happened in Levant, then the Greeks took his story and it managed to spread into Rome, in which people there affiliated it with other religions…thus one of the early births of Christianity.

    I have no idea though. That’s all I’ve got. This is definitely an interesting article. Well done!


    1. This article, like the rest of them on this website, omits the Canaanites/Phoenicians wholeheartedly. That alone is highly suspicious of Dr. Ezzat who wish to make it strictly “Arabian”.

      The Hebrew Bible (Tanakh) plagiarized the Canaanite religion after vilifying then. This is attested by the discovery of the 2000+ tablets at Ras Shamra (ancient Ugarit). It also coupled stories/concepts from Sumer, Babylon, Egypt, Persia.

      Hebrew was a dialect of the Canaanite language. The Hebrew alphabet equally derived from the Canaanite/Phoenician alphabet.


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