Why didn’t Egyptians convert after the Ten Plagues?

Why didn’t Ancient Egyptians convert to the cult of the Israelites after witnessing first-hand the miraculous & devastating Ten Plagues? Or maybe those Plagues were not miraculous and devastating enough for them?

By Dr. Ashraf Ezzat

All that it takes is one, not ten divine miracles, for man, ancient or modern, to believe in the God who revealed his power and divinity through that miracle.

The biblical scribes argue that the story of the Exodus took place in Ancient Egypt. If that argument is valid the whole people of ancient Egypt would have converted to Judaism (or to be specific, the cult of the Israelites) instantly after their God had revealed his might by “miraculously” destroying the land of Egypt and its king (mistakenly referred to as Pharaoh).

But the truth of the matter is that Egypt didn’t convert to the cult of the Israelites or Judaism at any time of its long history. Yahweh (the God of the Israelites) had never been mentioned in any Egyptian records, let alone revered or worshipped. What does that tell us? A lot, I’m afraid.

If the Bible claims that the heart of Pharaoh had been hardened by the God of the Israelites, certainly he wouldn’t have done the same to the Egyptians. For, if that was why Egyptians didn’t convert, then the whole business of the Ten Plagues would have been futile and meaningless, morally speaking, that is. Even if the Israelites had managed to flee Egypt, that miraculous escape (as portrayed in the book of Genesis) should have left its dramatic mark on the Egyptians and their old beliefs and traditions.

Most of the followers of the Judeo-Christian faith (Muslims included) will answer to this paradox in the story of the Exodus by simply reiterating what they have been spoon-fed in their infancy. “The Exodus had one mission and that was to get the Israelite salves out of Egypt” they will swiftly and unwittingly respond. Not realizing that such an answer will only degrade the Israelite God from his alleged lofty and universal status to a minor and tribal God that had once been created by his own tribe.

If the ultimate goal of the story of Pharaoh and Moses is to simply offer a safe exit – through devastation and carnage – for a specific group of people out of a specific land, which by the way was not Egypt, then we could safely identify the Israelite story as unjust and amoral, and the Israelite god tribal and cherry-picking. A morally corrupt premise that ultimately gave birth to the ugly concept of God’s chosen people.

Back to the miracles, try and imagine yourself amongst Ancient Egyptians who had survived the devastation of the Ten Plagues. You had witnessed firsthand the might of the God of the Israelites as he revealed himself through the ten plagues (zombie-like rampage during which armies of frogs, lice, flies, hail, locusts were unleashed on the land of Egypt and its people, the water of the River Nile had turned into blood, every first born killed and finally the whole land was shrouded in thick darkness).

Yahweh had obviously shown to Egyptians the utter impotence of their gods and demonstrated beyond any reasonable doubt his power over them. If you were an Egyptian, stunned and with unbelieving eyes witnessed those miracles as they wreaked havoc across the land of Ancient Egypt and its people, what would your reaction be?

Humbled by the might and revelation of Yahweh, certainly you would have gotten down on your knees, and with tears in your eyes you would have implored Yahweh for forgiveness as you renounced the Egyptian (impotent) deities and converted wholeheartedly to the religion of the Israelites and their (almighty) god. But that never happened, the Egyptian gods like Amun-Re, Horus, Isis and Osiris stood tall in their temples, revered by Egyptians for many centuries after the alleged biblical timing of the story of the Exodus.

If Egypt was the land of the Israelites’ bondage and Exodus, the whole ancient Egyptians would have converted to Judaism around 1400 – 1200 BC, the presumed timeline of the Exodus (The whole Khazar Kingdom had converted to Judaism for much lesser a reason).

But that as we said never happened, not then nor at any other point in time later on. Egypt never converted to Judaism. The reason for that is very simple and very self-evident; Ancient Egypt was never hit with the so called Ten Plagues, for Egypt knew neither Pharaoh nor Moses.

… Yes, the story of Pharaoh and Moses never took place in Ancient Egypt.

For more read Dr. Ashraf Ezzat’s book “Egypt knew no Pharaohs nor Israelites

42 thoughts on “Why didn’t Egyptians convert after the Ten Plagues?

  1. Hi Ashraf,

    I can’t get enough of this Bible bashing!!! it is well deserved, but just throwing our hands up and declaring it all a fake is a bit of a cop out. Surely, we can do better than that.

    The primary god of Egypt during much of the dynastic period was called Amen. Hello!!

    There are also very close parallels between the Biblical Exodus story and the Egyptian Flood Myth in which the God Ra determined to destroy Egypt (and the Egyptians), but was eventually persuaded to spare a remnant after the Nile was turned red. Each of the major Egyptian periods was ended with a climate catastrophe and an Exodus type event can be associated with each of them. The “Great Nile Flood” that ended the Egyptian Middle Kingdom is closest in form to the original myth. The Old Kingdom and the Egyptian 18th Dynasty were ended by crushing droughts, i.e., too little water instead of too much. However, the result was the same. Egypt became uninhabitable for a short period and an evacuation was necessary. These so-called Intermediary Periods in Egypt (lasting an obligatory 70 years) were typically characterized by “Asiatic” interlopers that also had to be symbolically dispossessed in order to found a new kingdom. It was the same ruling family, but they were acting as “foreign overlords” until the country could recover. The royal family, even in ancient times, was international. They only “sojourned” in Egypt part of the year. They went back and forth between Egypt and Mesopotamia as conditions permitted.

    The latest research indicates that the Egyptian Flood Myth was the original source of the Biblical Exodus story, but there are traces of other events. The Biblical Exodus is therefore a composite, and one that does not primarily record Jewish/Israelite history but Egyptian. An Exodus was a required element of every major Egyptian dynasty. The associated roles of Moses, Pharaoh, Aaron, Miriam, etc., were assigned to various members of the royal family and were acted out. If “Pharaoh” hardened his heart it was because that was his part to play. If “Moses” ordered the Egyptian temple cults, including Amen/Amun to be shut down and vandalized and then turned around and rescued some of the very people he was suppressing, it was an essential aspect of the drama. To modern readers this surely is insanity, but to the ancients it was simply tradition that had to be fulfilled, and a convenient precedent for the ruling house.

    Although there would have been Hebrew speaking peoples in Egypt (and Egyptian speaking people in Babylon for that matter), the Exodus would have largely served to transform native Egyptians into something else, and depending upon where they were to be relocated. In at least one case, it only resulted in Upper Egyptians becoming Lower or Middle Egyptians, i.e., when Akhenaten transferred a group of diseased individuals to his “promised land” of Amarna.


      I appreciate your insightful input and commentary on this site. I like your way of interpreting the past. I find it intriguing, but it is rather unconvincing (in some historical points). For example the story of the biblical flood is not inspired by an Egyptian myth but I believe it strongly reflects the Sumerian flood myth. The Sumerian influence in the Israelite stories/folktales is hard to miss. It could also give us a clue to the geographical proximity/interaction of the Israelites with Mesopotamia. A correlation/historical model that is hard to be found/traced to Ancient Egypt. The Babylonian captivity is a solid culmination of this historical model, an event that could be investigated/corroborated unlike the fairy tale of the Exodus from Egypt.
      All of your comments on my essays and articles have been moderated and approved.
      Once again, I thank you for your insightful input. Your analysis/commentary will always be welcomed on this site. I just hope you will be able someday to read my book (Egypt Knew no Pharaohs nor Israelites)


  2. Dear Dr. Ezzat:

    If you can convince me that the Egyptian king “Shishak” mentioned in the Old Testament is not the same Sheshonq I (who has been proven archeologically as a real, historical figure during Rehoboam’s time), then I will rest my case and declare your theory of the “Arabian Judea” to be the truth.



  3. Los testigos de Jehová ellos saben toda la verdad del pasado hebreo y del presente. Tienen una junta directiva que se auto nombra “Cuerpo gobernante” y fueron ungidos por Dios para explicar la biblia correctamente. Cualquier duda debemos preguntar a ellos!.


  4. Very good question!
    But at that time Moses was not given Torah yet..
    Another thing is all miracles are done in front of pharaoh ( or King) not on all Egypt
    like the Noah flood is it worldwide or regional..somewhere in small valley in Iraq

    I like your hypothesis but still luck of archaeological evidence too!!

    best regards




      Judaic myths grew from many sources. The primary source is the Hebrew Bible; it covers a period between polytheism and monotheism, thus allowing a rich environment for myths. After that, much of the mythological material was retained, and elaborated on, in the two Talmuds, the midrashic literature, and the mystical literature, mostly as expressed in the Zohar. More exists in the Apocrypha, the Dead Sea Scrolls, and in various texts written in Aramaic and Greek but pertaining to Judaism.

      Jews were a literate people from an early date. They committed much of their traditions, beliefs, legends and tales to writing, creating a vast body of myth and folklore. They maintained a constant exchange between the mystical and the practical parts of life. The Talmud itself, the cornerstone of Jewish scholarship, is divided into two parts: Halakha, the body of practical laws and traditions, and the Aggada, a body of tales and legends that explains the Bible homiletically. The two systems cannot be truly separated in spirit; teaching, law, folklore, the wondrous tale and the formal myth are all interwoven into one great tradition.

      OH MY VOLCANO!!!

      Nahum 1:5-6 The mountains quake at him, and the hills melt, and the earth is burned at his presence, yea, the world, and all that dwell therein. Who can stand before his indignation? and who can abide in the fierceness of his anger? his fury is poured out like fire, and the rocks are thrown down by him.


      The question, ‘Was God a volcano?’ can be answered by telling a story based on information in the Bible….

      The Hebrews camped at the base of Mount Sinai. Yahweh was believed to be a creator god and giver of all things, ‘The master of the universe and Lord of all nature.’ He created the human community, land, rain, plants and animals. The Hebrews believed that Yahweh lived (or manifested himself) at the top of Mount Sinai when he came down from the heavens. They believed the mountain was Yahweh’s throne on earth. It was the place where Moses, the leader of the tribe, met with Yahweh. They erected their tents to face the Lord or the Lord’s tabernacle. Mount Sinai was referred to as ‘His abode’, ‘His throne’, ‘His habitation’. There are many myths and songs associated with Yahweh and Mount Sinai. The Hebrews are monotheists believing in a unique and omnipotent god. Yet he was not a distant god. He had human characteristics and man was even said to be made in the image of god. Some say he lives in the sky or in the clouds but myths say he comes to earth from time to time to inspect it , bestow blessings and mete out punishments (Sodom and Gomorrah being examples of the latter). Thunder is attributed to Yahweh as is lightning. The Hebrews had migrated away from Egypt having escaped possible slavery conditions and had found themselves at the slopes of Mount Sinai and set up camp. This rock was known as the place where god was.

      Now please read the story of the peoples who camped at the base on Mount Kenya, which is a volcano…

      The Embu people live to the south-east of Mount Kenya,[10] and believe that the mountain is God’s home (Meru word for God is Ngai or Mwene Njeru). The mountain is sacred, and they build their houses with the doors facing towards it.[17] The Embu people are closely related to the Ameru and Mbeere people. The Mbeere and Akamba are the settlers of the southeast side of the Mountain.

      Ngai or mwene-nyaga is the creator and giver of all things, “the Divider of the Universe and Lord of Nature”. He (Ngai) created the human community. It is also believed that He created the first Gĩkũyũ communities, and provided them with all the resources necessary for life: land, rain, plants and animals. He cannot be seen but is manifest in the sun, moon, stars, comets and meteors, thunder and lightning, rain, in rainbows and in the great fig trees (Mugumo). These trees served as places of worship and sacrifice and marked the spot at Mũkũrũe wa Gathanga where Gĩkũyũ and Mũmbi – the ancestors of the Gĩkũyũ in the oral legend – first settled.

      Yet he was not a distant god. He has human characteristics, and although some say that He lives in the sky or in the clouds, Gĩkũyũ lore also says that he comes to earth from time to time to inspect it, bestow blessings and mete out punishment (similar to God’s visit of Abraham before destroying Sodom). When he comes He rests on Mount Kenya and kĩrĩma kĩa njahĩ (Kilimambogo). Thunder is interpreted to be the movement of Ngai and lightning is the weapon used by Ngai to clear the way when moving from one sacred place to another. Some people believe that Ngai’s abode is on Mount Kenya, or else ‘beyond’ its peaks. Ngai, one legend says, made the mountain his resting place while on an inspection tour of earth.

      The Gĩkũyũ live on the southern and western sides of the mountain. The Gĩkũyũ people believe that God, Ngai or Mwene Nyaga, lived on Mount Kenya when he came down from the sky. Ngai or mwene-nyaga is the creator and giver of all things, “the Divider of the Universe and Lord of Nature”. He (Ngai) created the human community. It is also believed that He created the first Gĩkũyũ communities, and provided them with all the resources necessary for life: land, rain, plants and animals. Yet he was not a distant god (as known in the West). He has human characteristics, and although some say that He lives in the sky or in the clouds, Gĩkũyũ lore also says that he comes to earth from time to time to inspect it, bestow blessings and mete out punishment (similar to God’s visit of Abraham before destroying Sodom). When he comes He rests on Mount Kenya and kĩrĩma kĩa njahĩ (Kilimambogo). Thunder is interpreted to be the movement of Ngai and lightning is the weapon used by Ngai to clear the way when moving from one sacred place to another. Some people believe that Ngai’s abode is on Mount Kenya, or else ‘beyond’ its peaks. Ngai, one legend says, made the mountain his resting place while on an inspection tour of earth. They believe that the mountain is Ngai’s throne on earth. It is the place where Gĩkũyũ, the father of the tribe, used to meet with God. Kikuyus used to build their houses with the doors facing the mountain. The Gĩkũyũ name for Mount Kenya is Kĩrĩ Nyaga (Kirinyaga), which literally translates to ‘God’s Resting Place’ or ‘Where God Lives’ in this case referring to Mwene Nyaga. Mt. Kenya features a lot in the Ameru folklore and songs. The Gĩkũyũ were – and still are – monotheists believing in a unique and omnipotent god whom they refer to as Ngai.

      The migration to Mount Kenya was perhaps due to conflicts there, such as slavery. It is believed that they migrated as far as the Kenyan Coast, since the Meru elders refer to Mpwa (aPwani or Coast) as their origin. The conflicts there, perhaps slave trade by Arabs, forced them to retreat northeast to the interior of Kenya, and they settled by the slopes of Mount Kenya. They were to refer to this location as the place of the Lord.


    1. [Original Post]

      You are correct Dr Ezzat, that the Egyptians never converted to the Israelite cult … just like you are correct that the Israelites did not merit mention in the Egyptian historical records … but your theory about the 10 plagues is incorrect.

      The Egyptians, and indeed all the peoples/nations of that region … did experienced the so-called “plagues” … and they were devastating. The reason they all (not just the Egyptians) did not fall to their knees and convert to the insignificant Israelite cult … is because they knew source of this cataclysm … and who the Divine had targeted for destruction. Specifically, it was the Island of Thera, the epicenter of the Minoan civilization, once-masters of the known seas.
      The Minoan eruption of Thera, also referred to as the Thera eruption, dated to the mid-second millennium BCE, was one of the largest volcanic events on Earth in recorded history. It cracked the large island of Thera (now called Santorini) in half, annihilated the Minoan civilization, and had devastating aftereffects matching the biblical plagues (Inc: earthquakes, tsunamis, dead fish, insect and frog infestations, red waters, dead crops, burning rain, etc.) for many nations across the Mediterranean and Aegean.

      You see, even while the Egyptians et al, suffered through the aftereffects of that cataclysm (which the bible calls the 10 plagues), they knew that they had nothing to do with Yahweh or the Israelites … for the Minoan Gods were busy meting out justice on their own children.

      At least, that’s what they were all told (Egyptians, Hellenes, Medes, Assyrians, etc) by the bedraggled and bereft refugees (referred to as the people of the sea by multiple ancient sources) landing on their shores in tears with pleas for help.

      It’s important to note: The peoples of that time, never questioned the existence of each other’s gods. Indeed, they respected and when circumstances warranted, they even cut Hecatombs to foreign gods when on foreign soil. The only thing that was questioned was the power of each other’s gods … especially the gods of insignificant peoples … say like the Israelites (but that’s another discussion).

      All the best my good Dr.
      I am unfortunately, predisposed and must cut myself short here.

      [End of Original Post]


      A rule of thumb here is that I don’t endorse censorship. Therefore, I don’t delete any comment submitted on this website, even if I don’t agree with.
      Maybe your comment took sometime before it was published by WordPress. However, I’ve enjoyed your comment, and I believe the point of the “Thera eruption” and its possible impact on Ancient Egypt is still a subject of great doubt and debate.


  5. Thank you very much for your publications and research work, which I translate into French and relays in my blog, in France.
    I have also compiled excerpts from your flagship book “Egypt has never known neither Pharaohs nor Israelites” translated by Résistance71, and all your publications, following videos, in a PDF ► https://jbl1960blog.files.wordpress.com/2017/11/traductiondelabibleescroqueriehistorique.pdf
    I update it according to your publications, also to the next, as long as you make us talk to the stars.
    Mrs. Jo Busta Lally ► JBL1960BLOG

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dear jo Busta Lally,
      Thank you so much for the time and effort you most kindly continue to put into these translations. It is such a valuable contribution to disseminate my research/work on correcting the ancient history of the Near East, and most importantly that of Ancient Egypt and the Israelites.


      1. Dear Dr. A. Ezzat ;
        That’s the least I can do as your research is important to relay because it helps to bring down the dogmas, doctrines, and biblical falsification that has completely misled the spiritual message that everyone can feel in the depths of their lives. self, without wishing to make it a law of Airain.
        Your work is precious, as much as that of Steven Newcomb, Sand, Pappe, Herzog …
        That’s why we need to create a chain of diffusion of these nuggets of historical truth.
        Here is my modest work, translate into French with the help of Resistance71, and compile in PDF format for free distribution and share to infinity. Let us use the Internet as a Gutenberg 2.0 press to crack the codes so that together we work for our final and definitive emancipation.
        Looking forward to your next publication that I will not fail to relay !
        Best Regards ;


  6. Dear Dr. Ashraf Ezzat,

    I did ask you sometime ago If you like to comment on an article I wrote regarding reading the Bible. I enclose the article herewith.

    I am graduate of University College London 1954 as a Chemical Engineer but I am retired now and was driven into the book that Prof, Kamal Salibi wrote about this matter. I was very interested when I saw your U Tubes on the Internet and thought of writing this atached articele for your comments

    *To understand the Bible, you have to associate it with the following three things:*

    *1) Arabia: Arabia during the Ice Age was covered with forests and rivers, the same also like North Africa. Many of these forests and rivers dried up at the end of the Ice Age except South Arabia remained up to the present time with a Monsoon Climate which brings rain. As a result the ancient South Arabians built aquifers and dams to preserve the water. These aquifers are still in use and maintained up to the present day, they are called AFLAJ (plural) and FALAJ (singular). This has made south Arabia a ripe place to build an ancient civilization. One should visit the museum in San’a, the capital of Yemen, to recognize this. One famous item was the large water dam of Ma’rib, the capital of the Saba’ Kingdom with its famous Queen of Sheba which is mentioned in the Bible and Qur’an. The Romans called it Arabia Felix, i.e. Happy Arabia*

    *The people living in the Ice Age in this part of the world were Stone Age Hunters Gatherers, i.e. depending on hunting animal and gathering what is eatable from the natural vegetation and trees. But as the Ice Age started to dwindle and the land slowly changed to desert except South Arabia as mentioned above, due to the Monsoon climate, the people living in north Arabia became nomads rearing cattle, living in tents and moving around looking for pastures to feed their cattle. At the same time agriculture was developed and many people settled in oasis and established communities as farmers and traders. The nomadic people used to trade with the farmers; sell cattle and buy grains and other provisions as now we are in the Bronze Age: metals articles, arms etc. Arms such as bronze swords were important for the nomadic people to protect themselves from other nomads. As when famine strikes, nomadic tribes attack other tribes for finding pastures for their cattle or may be looting.*

    *2) 21st Century: We are in the 21st century and behind us there are three to four centuries of scientific progress due to the freedom of expression., Hence the things that cannot be explained such as miracles should be discarded and left as children’s tales or grouped with the stories of the Arabian Nights !! This, scientific progress, has resulted in the technology that we have today. This came after the middle ages when the religious people tried to explain thing in the mentality of the Bronze Age. However during the time before the middle ages, a scientific progress happened in the Middle East during the Abbassid Empire; Where freedom of thought was allowed for some time and scientific knowledge from all over the world was collected, translated into Arabic and preserved in libraries., copies were made and distributed throughout the Empire. Institutions of learning and progress, were established.*

    *In addition to the scientific and technological advances in the present age, Archeological investigations were made, ancient languages deciphered and buried libraries were discovered. This brought new concept and knowledge of ancient history.*

    *3) Indian trade: Arabian sailors from south Arabia sailed eastwards and reached India probably sometime between 4000 and 3000 B.C. In India they discovered that the Indians use spices in their food which gave a pleasant taste to the food, and preserves the food from deterioration. This created an important trade item with great demand which brought in huge profits and wealth. The rout for this trade developed as follows: transport by sea in sailing ships from India to south west Arabia using the trade winds and then by camel caravans from south west Arabia to the Eastern Mediterranean (The Levant) and from there to the Mediterranean Sea basin. Also from south Arabia to Mesopotamia i.e. modern Iraq. The Red Sea was not good for sea transport as it has no reliable wind for the sailing ships. This created, along the camel caravan route, several catering stations which serves the caravans. One was called *מִצְרָיְמָה * MSRIMH as mentioned in the Bible which unfortunately was translated as Egypt and its ruler was called Far’a which was also wrongly translated as the king of Egypt. Misr in Arabic means an inhabited area and ancient Arabian travelers used this word to mean any place in the world which is inhabited. Msrimh probably had Egyptian personnel who were called Misri which in the local languages means someone living in Misr, the ’im’ is for plural. For example: someone living in Paris will be called “Parisi”. Note that during this time Ancient Egypt was in its greatest power and it sent its armies and personnel to control this prosperous trade and insure the lion’s share from its profits. This was envied by Babylon which was a strong empire also and always dreamt in capturing the Indian trade from the Egyptians. But a time came when both Egypt and Babylon had internal problems and neglected the Indian trade, so the local people had their independence and established independent states flourishing with the control of the Indian trade. This did not last very long as Babylon solved its internal problems and went to activate its dream of moving the Indian trade to the Eastern side of Arabia, under its full control and away from Egypt. Babylon sent its army and took all the elite people who work in the trade business, from south West Arabia as captives to Babylon in order to insure that trade activities will not commence again from there. Babylon did not last long and fell to the Persians, who carried the same policy with regards to the Indian trade i.e. shift the trade route to the eastern side of Arabia i.e. the Arabic Gulf also known as the Persian Gulf. Persia as a reward for the help they got form the Babylonian captives, sent them to south west Syria instead of south west Arabia. However the Persian Empire did not last long and was conquered by Alexander the great who reached India by land but died and his empire split up. The Romans came to the Middle East to reach India but were not very successful as a new Persian Empire the Sassanian Empire came to Power in Persia and Mesopotamia. During this time the trade was under the control of the Nabateans, an Arabian people with their capital in Petra {Jordan). The Roman Empire conquered Petra in the year 104 C.E. and then Palmyra and stole all the riches in these cities. But finally, it split into West and East Roman Empires and became week. One, should note that the Indian trade was the cause of international conflicts in history as after the Romans came the Arabs who built a great empire. European dreams were in reaching India, they tried the Crusades which was financed by the trading cities of Venice and Genoa, under the pretext of reaching the Holy Land. But it ended in defeat. Then came Columbus who knew that the Earth is round as it was explained in Latin translation of Arabic geography books. The Greeks new that and measured the circumference of the Earth by several methods one was by taking shots at the North Polar star as they moved measured distances southwards. The Arabs repeated these experiments twice once in Bagdad and once in Cairo. This was known to the educated people irrespective of what the religious Bronze Age scriptures say about flat Earth. *

    *To continue the story the Portuguese Vasco De Gama managed to sail around the Cape of Good Hope in South Africa by the aid of an Arabian sailor and reached India. Thus, the rout to India was opened to the Europeans. Then, came the Dutch and finally the British who rule India for the sake of this trade. The Germans were planning to build the BBB railway line Berlin Basra Bombay. This remained the most important wealth producing business until the invention of the Internal Combustion Engine and Ford started to mass produce cars, thus creating a great demand for petrol, surpassing the Indian trade.*


    1. Dear Nabil Kawar,
      Your article is very insightful. I greatly admire the way you’ve cut to the real issue when we try and decipher/interpret ancient history, and that is the economy. Simply follow the money and you’ll finally figure things (modern and ancient alike) out.
      Indeed, the ancient incense route (that connected India to the Mediterranean and Mesopotamia via ARABIA) was the one of the two main routes for the ancient international trade. The ancient (Arabian) Incense route was indeed where money/wealth were to be found, and In other “biblical words” it was where the land flowed with milk and honey.


  7. Where did the Library of Alexandria went after looting and burning ? So you know what is going on by destroying world wide old artifakts to rewrite history in someones favour.


  8. Especially in having done a fair whack of research about “sources” and “source materials” – along with being fascinated by Ancient Egyptian HISTORY and archaeology, I highly appreciate your statements and writing

    It’s sad, however, that so many are “enthralled” with a mythos that simply has NO evidence to support it…and that same mythos drives a fanatical “group” to absolute extremes to prove that which is completely “unprovable”.

    I wish you peace and blessings, and I thank you for your time and great efforts. Be well, be safe, and smile!


  9. Is now a good time to visit Egypt? I am longing to see this land…I have purchased one of your books and found it riveting…..hope you write a lot more@

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Hi Ashraf. I am Ashkenaze and I made my own research. I agree with you that this tribal God cannot be the creator of the Cosmos. And that there is no trace of Moise in Egypt or even of David or Solomon (3X times Sun) in Palestine…. it’s all made up. But the conclusion to take of it don’t stop at Judaism because New Testament and even Koran talk about these historical ghosts…. But what about the Hyksos ? And what about Akhenaton whose only God Aton looks a lot like Adonai ? Also is it not possible to BUY your book in PDF form ?


    1. The “Solomon (3X times Sun)” you refer to is a re-characterization of the Egyptian god Thoth, god of wisdom and writing. Jesus said “by their fruits you shall know them.” “Fruit” is a metaphor which means “epithet” or “description.” An epithet of Thoth is “thrice great” or “three times great.” The word “great” refers to the Sun. Jesus said “if you had faith only so great as a mustard seed . . . ” Mustard seed is a metaphor for the Sun, and “great” is a synonym for the Sun. Thus, “Sol Om On” is Thoth – “three times great.” By the way, “mustard seed” is also a metaphor for the individual “Priests of On” – with whom Jesus appears to be familiar.


  11. I travelled the life and breath of Egypt in 1999 and 2001., always looking for writings on temples of Israelites. No such archeological evidence exists. I suspect that Moslem archaeologists are correct, more evidence exist in Yemen than anywhere else in the middle East. While I have always believed in God, I find the old Testament to be a plagiarism from other cultures, fabricated at the library of Alexandra in 3rd century bc.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. You’d have to be an American to appreciate this, really; but the answer is, that the Ancient Egyptians were racists! (Totally not true, of course… but that’s the label with which anyone in America who says anything which isn’t “fashionable” is bludgeoned to death! “Land of the free” my arse! And, of course, what is “fashionable” derives from our ruling class and their Hollywood [and media] apparatchiki…)
    They didn’t grovel and fawn upon the New God and his alleged play-toys, the Hebrews… As for me, I think the entire story is a lot of bad, self aggrandizing, and somewhat masochistic, yet navel-gazing fiction… but that’s another story! And, of course, everything is borrowed from another source, like bagels, gefilte fish and all the rest of it…. such as the Epic of Gilgamesh; of Sumerian origin and much older than the so-called Old Testament or Old Covenant (the “Flood Story”.)

    Oddly enough, YHVH, when speaking through the scribes or whomever wrote down that fetid text, does not deny that the Gods of Egypt were not Gods… rather, He says that He is going to smite them and display His greater power. Wonder where He is now? Vacationing in a retirement community in Acapulco? Playing baccarat in Saint Tropez? Drinking Cappuccino in the Plaza de La Republica? Or, perhaps, He’s too busy torturing all those nasty sinners for Eternity, to drop in and pay us a visit.

    So He makes people and they stink so He drowns all but a few of them… but even his Chosen backslide so He smites them and scatters them… and the world is Bedlam, a madhouse, and He’s in charge of things? Well; that’s what His followers claim, at any rate. Then it gets so bad that He has to kill His “only Son” to make things right? I think the inmates are running the asylum! HOW such a doctrine came to dominate half the world (figuratively speaking) will forever elude me.

    Sorry, “Believers” but you’re going to have to come up with a better story than THAT if you want to convince anyone with even half a brain that you’re not wacko!

    Solution? There were no plagues. It’s all fiction. I’m a “sic-fi” aficionado and I think that, if there are aliens, what better way to get Earthlings to slaughter each other than to create Abraham/Avraham, and motivate we poor, stupid mammal idiots to massacre each other by the tens of millions over more than two millennia now for some illusive, unfulfilled and unfufillable promise of “Paradise on Earth” or “salvation” or whatever you want to call it. WHEN has there been “Paradise on Earth?” Perhaps, before Avraham… but we can’t go back.

    Conclusion: Mankind is insane, as a group. Extension: “The Creator” (at least the Creator of Avraham and all the religions spawned therefrom, including Socialism and Communism) is equally insane. Actually, I don’t think He exists… at least not in the form that his Abrahamic groupies claim… but that, too, is another story!

    Signed, a quasi-Buddhist neo-Pagan sceptic.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. How will logical thinking ever overcome religious dogma?
    This is a start. Thank you Dr. Ezzat for being the voice of reason.


  14. Shared, after times every event becomes bigger and bigger. You know that a Giant becomes a dwarf after his shadow has gone.


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