Abraham’s Pharaoh was not King of Egypt

“Pharaoh’ in the Abraham story, as well as that Moses and Joseph spoke of is not the king of Egypt as millions over hundreds of years have been made to believe”

“Judaism and its Israelite stories of militant raids are as genuinely Arabian as Islam and its tales of holy wars and jihad”

Abram's Journey from Ur to Canaan (József Molnár, 1850)-1 - Copy- resized

By Dr. Ashraf Ezzat

Maybe East is East and West is West, but the twain shall meet in this essay. 

For ages, western intellectuals believed that Western culture is evidently distinct from that of the east. It always seemed like Eastern and Western cultures were separated by a (hard to cross) thick red line.  Therefore westerners tend to view their political, social and spiritual ideas as completely different from that of the east. The reason for that is the (misguided) belief that the root of every aspect of western culture had originally been created by western minds and grew and evolved on western soil (according to western values).  In that regard Judaism has long been considered as one of the building blocks of western spirituality (a conviction we have totally deconstructed and exposed its fallacy in our recent book).

While the former conviction could hold some truth as far as some sciences, art and humanities are concerned, but when it comes to the spiritual and religious ideas that ‘made in the west’ concept won’t hold up to our scrutiny and will eventually fall flat on its face.

And since Judaism and its stories were (seen) at the core of the Christian theology, the two were somehow blended as one faith under the common designation “Judeo-Christianity”. Two totally antagonistic belief systems that shouldn’t have been merged together, hadn’t it been for the Roman political agenda to paint the whole Empire with a monochromic religious brush.  That actually payed off in a way that helped put an end to the (ceaseless) Jewish rebellion/militancy (like of today’s Islamic State) in the Roman Provinces of Arabia and the Levant.

Ask any average European or American about what it is that connects him to the ‘Jewish/Zionist state of Israel’ and you’ll instantly get this (painfully) naïve and spontaneous answer

“there is a strong bond between us and Israel because we share the same values”

By the same values, he/she means the Judeo-Christian faith and the Israelite (apocalyptic) stories, the (insane) accomplishment of which will herald the so called second coming of the Christ.  Hence, new ecclesiastical terminology and churches have recently started to capitalize on this (distorted concept), e.g., Christian Zionism. But little did those Americans and Europeans (who subscribed to this new faith/church) know that this bond was just a deception in disguise, and those values were completely alien to the West and its inherent culture. This is principally the aim of our book and this essay; to expose centuries of deception and delusion augmented by biased and misguided western academia.

Judaism and Islam: Two sides of the same coin

Most of the orientalists who examined the Quran and Islamic literature and jurisprudence have often come to the conclusion that Islamic literature/scripture had copycatted many of the Jewish laws and stories. Well, in that regard the orientalists and most of the Western scholars are damn right. But oddly enough no one of them wondered why Islam and Judaism are so (strikingly) similar in their laws and stories.  Why the same stories of the Jewish Patriarchs are reiterated over and over again, and may be in a more detailed manner, in the Qur’an?

Even more bizarrely important, how come that millions of Muslims over the last 1400 years have grown so familiar with the Israelite stories if those were exclusively western?

Till this very moment every Muslim child, before he is taught the alphabetical order, is usually well instructed/indoctrinated with the stories of Noah, Joseph, David and Solomon and of course (spoon fed) the notorious story of Moses and Pharaoh (in Egypt)

Some might argue that this is not surprising nor unexpected since Islam is one of the Abrahamic religions that also included Judaism and Christianity.  Well, that is a good argument, provided we first agree on the (original) geography and the culture that gave birth to Abraham and his new faith/ideas.  First tell me the native culture/homeland of Abraham and then lecture me on the so called Abrahamic religions.

Pinning down not only the timeline but most importantly the exact geography that produced Judaism and the Israelite stories will be of a tremendous help. It will give us access into the kind of ‘culture’ that created that faith, and the kind of ‘people’ that told and nurtured those (violent and tribal) Israelite stories. In other words, getting to find out the cultural roots of Judaism will indeed uncover the (anthropological) reasons behind the (tribal) violence and intolerance that the Israelite stories/laws are so soaked with that made the adherents of the Jewish faith the hardest to assimilate (into other cultures) throughout the history of mankind.  And likewise that will help us understand why Islam had so uncompromisingly followed suit.

The academic circles till this very moment insist on loosely defining Judaism as ‘a monotheistic faith that sprouted in the ancient Near East. In modern terminology, that would translate to the (whole) Middle East as the home ground for Judaism and its stories. In other words, orthodox historians are allocating the whole area from Morocco in the west to Iran in the East, and from Yemen in the south to Turkey in the North as the land of the Israelite stories. While this clearly sounds so grotesquely unscientific, but on the other hand these loose geographical boundaries couldn’t be more convenient for fostering/advancing the idea of Greater Israel (though there is no relation whatsoever between nowadays Israel and the ancient Israelites and their so called Promised land)

According to the critical/academic school of history the ‘patriarchal/ancestral period’ that starts with Abraham is now regarded a later literary construct, not a period in the actual history of the ancient world.

But since I render alternative views on ancient history, I tend to rely more on the philosophy of history with its analytical methodology than critical/orthodox school of history, though I agree with the assessment of its scholars that view the tale of Abraham (as interpreted by orientalists) not reflecting real history.

The term philosophy of history refers to the theoretical aspect of history, it speculates if there is a design, purpose, coherence, directive principle in the processes of human history. And most importantly it investigates with its analytical power the truthfulness of our historical records and stories, and whether the path of human history has been deceitfully deviated, or its stories tampered with. Unlike the critical school of history which focus on the literal interpretation of recorded history, the philosophy of history try hard to read between the lines, and connect the dots looking backwards to try and figure out how we ended up where we are.

According to the orientalist interpretation of the Hebrew Bible, Abraham was the “Superman of antiquity”.

The Patriarch was born (sometime around 1900 BC) in the city/village of Ur (south Iraq) in the ancient Chaldean Empire in ancient Mesopotamia, then he moved to Haran (Turkish-Iranian border) and then he headed to Damascus (Syria) then he traveled to Shechem and Bethel in Palestine (mistaken by academics for Canaan). After that, he took a giant leap to Egypt where he had offered his wrinkled 65-year wife/sister as a concubine for its king (mistaken for Pharaoh). Then he turned back to Palestine (mistaken for Canaan) and of course the Journeys of the then 150 plus years Patriarch wouldn’t have been made holy without stopping for a while at Salem (Jerusalem) where he had a friendly meeting with its chief, Melchizedek (honest king in Arabic!)

Now the reason why many ‘academic’ historians view the tale of Abraham as merely fictional is simply because many of the city names mentioned in his story were actually not yet established around the time of Patriarch.

At 1900 BC there was no Damascus yet, no Canaan, No Jerusalem and definitely no Pharaohs in Egypt (as detailed in my book)

Feeling the heat and embarrassment after nearly two centuries of Extensive excavations in Egypt yielded no historical evidence of ‘Pharaoh’ as the title for the ‘King’ of ancient Egypt, archeologists (with Bible geared mindset) admitted that ‘Per-aa/Pharaoh’ had never actually been the royal title for Egypt King. However, in an attempt to save face, they have recently added that the title ‘Pharaoh’ began to be used as a generic reference for the ‘King’ of Egypt at a very late period of the ancient Egyptian Empire (around 1200-1000 BC)

Now, although that assertion & timing is totally erroneous (as detailed in my book) still it remains very difficult for those ‘academic’ historians and archeologists to explain how on earth the ‘King of Egypt’ whom Abraham introduced his wife to as his sister could be referred to as ‘Pharaoh’?  For according to their ‘robust’ thesis/investigation there were no ‘Pharaohs’ in ancient Egypt around 1900 BC (the purported time of Abraham’s tale)

Abraham’s Pharaoh

Now let’s stop here for a while and ponder upon this inconsistency. There were no ‘Pharaohs’ yet in Egypt but still Abraham met one in his ancient journeys. Well, that could translate to one of two likelihoods.

Either Abraham never set foot in Egypt, or he had really met ‘Pharaoh’ but not in the ‘Egypt’ we all know of, and that is what had really happened.

Egypt knew no Pharaohs cover art-15-1- resized‘Pharaoh’ in the Abraham story, as well as that Moses and Joseph spoke of is not the king of Egypt as millions over hundreds of years have been made to believe, but it is ‘Faraon/   فرعون the ancient Arabic title for tribal chieftain.  It is linguistically/historically known that in ancient Arabia the head of the tribe was designated Faraon/فرعون. That’s why the real Pharaoh of Moses was nothing but a ruthless Arabian Bedouin/nomad. And consequently that would make the Israelites natives of ancient Arabia (funny  … eh?). Yet it is painfully true.

But never for a second fall under the false notion that we’re building our thesis merely out of linguistic correlation, there is a lot more to this than just phonetic similarities, a hell of a lot more. There is the hidden truth and we are just scratching its surface. We are simply exposing a gruesome and deliberate (Jewish) act of distorting humanity’s ancient history. This ancient deception has unfortunately driven us to our current situation where we are overwhelmed with more of the same gruesomeness and distortion.

The incredible journeys Abraham (solely and on a camel) seemed almost impossible or otherwise just pure fiction for 100-year-old man to make. It was made even harder for the sophisticated and modern (Jewish) archeologists to swallow after they had dated the 7th century BC as the time camels were first domesticated in the ancient Near East. In his long and arduous journeys, the aging Patriarch must have ridden one of those direhorses we saw in James Cameron’s Avatar (no sarcasm intended)

But if we reexamined the same story of Abraham, but this time around, viewed it in its original and native geography, culture and timeline the whole story could sound not only different but also plausible.

According to the Arabic/Muslim ancient oral narrations, all the Places Abraham travelled to in his ancient tale were inside ancient Arabia and North Yemen. Once we realized that Ur, Horan, Bethel, and Salem/Jerusalem are but ancient names for Arabic small towns in the Asir (the origin of Israelites) province (stretching from Mecca in the north to Sanaa in the south) the whole bits and pieces of Abraham’s puzzling story will instantly fall into place (historical references and evidences are abundant in the book)

Billions of Muslims around the globe and throughout the past 1400 years accept as true that Abraham was the one (with his son Ishmael) who actually built up the sanctuary in Mecca and that he lived somewhere near Moriah (Marwah) mountain. This is a robust tenet of Islamic tradition and history (based on countless ancient narrations and parallel citations in the historical records & poetry of ancient Arabia)

At this particular point in my essay someone (agitated by these new revelations) will try and refute the ancient Arabian narrations, poetry and traditions as historical evidence. I absolutely have no problem with that, only if Mr/Ms ‘agitated’ would apply the same (refuting) doubts and methodology to Judaism and Christianity (and their totally anecdotal historical sources/evidences) . Let’s all bury our dead legends and start anew.

I believe that not many westerners knew that ‘Jerusalem’ is referred to as ‘Salem’ in the Hebrew Bible. And I doubt that even fewer westerners knew that ’Salem’ is a genuine Arabic word that means ‘Peaceful’ just like Melchizedek means ‘Honest king’ .

For crying out loud, what a word like ‘Melchizedek’ has to do with (the whole) Western phonetic culture, let alone its spirituality. The truth of the matter is that ‘Judaism’ is as dreadfully alien to Westerners as ‘Melchizedek’ is to their ears.

In many of the ancient Arabian records and oral narrations ‘Salem’ is referred to as ‘Dar Salem/ peaceful house’ in North Yemen, or what the western orientalists had mistakenly identified with ‘Jerusalem’ in Palestine.

But why the Hebrew book of stories should include Arabic words? This should come as no surprise if we came to understand that the Israelite stories are simply ancient Arabia’s remote folktales. Judaism and its Israelite stories of militant raids are as genuinely Arabian as Islam and its tales of holy wars and jihad.

Few westerners had tapped into this (historical) information; one of them was Paul the Apostle.  Why do you think Paul the apostle headed to Arabia and sojourned there for long three years before he dared embark on his missionary journeys (in the Roman/Western world).

“But when the God who set me apart from my mother’s womb and called me through his grace was pleased to reveal his son in me, so that I might be his herald among the nations, at once I did not confer with flesh and blood, nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me, but I went away into Arabia, and returned again to Damascus” (Gal.1:15-17)

Paul did not travel to Arabia on a Safari tour nor to dig for oil. The educated and multilingual man knew that Arabia was the cultural and geographical (native) land of Judaism and its stories of a new Messiah/Mashiach (the theme of then his upcoming mission impossible)

The Christian ideology is based on the (Jewish) distorted narrative that Pharaoh was the king of ancient Egypt and that Moses was raised in an Egyptian royal household and that the Epic Exodus took off from the (heathen) kingdom of Egypt to the new and Promised Land (kingdom) of God’s chosen & righteous people in Palestine/Canaan.  It is based on the false belief that Moses received his tablets on The Egyptian Mount Sinai. But at the time the story of Christ was evolving it seemed that Paul the Apostle was the only one who really knew the truth (after he had dived into ancient Arabia)

 “Abraham had two sons, one by the slave woman, one by the free. But the slave woman’s son was born according to the flesh; the free woman’s, through promise. Which is an allegory: for these two women are two covenants. One is from Mount Sinai, born for slavery, which is Hagar. For Sinai is a mountain in Arabia; and [Sinai] corresponds to the present Jerusalem, for she is in slavery with her children. But the Jerusalem above is free, and she is the mother of us all.” (Gal 4:25 )

Here is Paul, the man who literally invented (western) Christianity, unambiguously affirming that the mountain which witnessed the encounter of Moses with his God had all along been in Arabia. Well that would automatically suggest that the rest of the ‘Israelite Exodus’ story had actually taken place in ancient Arabia as well (and not in ancient Egypt as the millions of laymen so ignorantly/pathetically believed). And Paul was not the kind of man who neither uttered words lightly nor maintained facts he knew were not true.

Only aliens are in need of translation

Unlike the west, the Arabs and Muslims did not rely on a translation of the Hebrew book to get familiar with its stories. As a matter of fact, the Hebrew Bible was first translated into Arabic as late as the 10th century and it was done by the Egyptian Jewish scholar “Saʻīd bin Yūsuf al-Fayyūmi, also known in the western world as Saadia Gaon”.

And while the ‘Septuagint Bible’ in its Greek translation (in the third century BC) was the breakthrough moment for the Israelite stories after which it had started to disseminate throughout the Western world, the Arabic translation of the same Hebrew Bible actually changed nothing on the ground, for the whole Eastern world had already been familiar/soaked with the Israelite stories for hundreds of years that even preceded the time of the so called Septuagint translation.

The Israelite stories were well known by all Arabs for simply ancient Arabia had all along been the homeland of Judaism and its stories.   That’s why the native Arabs were never in need of a translation of one of their native cultural products.

The whole thing is Arabic. The Arabic (Hebrew) Bible and Arabic Israelites will lend credence to the misinterpreted Journey of Abraham (from Ur/Haran in Mesopotamia to Damascus, to Bethel in Palestine then to Egypt and back to Bethel once again!)  Those long and arduous Journeys (ridding a camel, not a 4×4 Landrover) seemed not only silly for an elderly man (almost one hundred and fifty years) but utterly impossible. The flawed way in which the western orientalists had interpreted the geography of the Patriarch’s story had irrevocably turned this old tale of Abraham (and the rest of the Israelite stories) into an absolute riddle for archeologists and a flimsy plausibility for the historians.

When Haran is seen as it originally was, the Arabian valley of Horan, and Bethel as the Holy city of Mecca then the Journeys of old Abraham will no longer need a Superman to make it or a gullible mind to believe it.

Mohamed, the prophet of Islam, was an illiterate man who got no access to the western/Greek version of the Hebrew Bible. Islam’s prophet was in no need for a Greek translation of the Hebrew book when he actually had a unique access to the original (Arabic) version of the whole book and its violent/tribal stories.

Mohammed did not have to read the Hebrew book to be informed about those Israelite stories for they were but the tales of his Arabian/Jewish ancestors.

Moreover the Arabian Peninsula during the 7th century A.D, the time of Islam’s rise, was an isolated territory after the demise of the ancient incense caravan route.  It is worth mentioning here that the Caravan route had never cut across the land of ancient Palestine, rather it started south in Yemen and ended up in Palmyra (near Syria) or Petra (near Jordan).  In the former case the camel caravans continued their journey to (pagan)Persia in the East and in the latter continued on its path to (Pagan) Egypt in the west and then through Alexandria to (Pagan) Greece via naval route.

The whole part of the caravan route had been in ancient Arabia and Yemen, the homeland of the Judaism and the Israelite stories, as we argue in the book. The wide dissemination of the stories of the Jewish patriarchs throughout the ancient Near East was due to the fact that those stories sprouted in ancient Arabia and were carried wide and far by the Arabian Jews who once controlled the Incense trade and its caravan route.  Arabia did not only carry incense and spices on their camel caravans to the ancient world but also the new ideas of Judaism and the stories of their patriarchs.

This is what had weirdly escaped the mind of western orientalists. Western scholars had miserably failed to see that ancient Arabia (and not Palestine) had always been the native land of the Israelites and their (violent) stories of tribal wars. And that’s why Islam had picked up where exactly Judaism left off.

In other words Judaism and Islam as two faiths/religions are the cultural products of ancient Arabia and Yemen, and the Stories of the Jewish Patriarchs are Arabia’s ancient folktales.

To make the case for his new religion in Arabia, Mohamed made it clear that he was just the last messenger of a long line of prophets.  Those predecessor prophets he often referred to were of course the Israelites Patriarchs.  Now let’s also Pause here for a moment and try to contemplate what we have at hand. Mohamed did not come up with anything new, rather his Quran was packed to the brim with the Israelite tales of Noah, Abraham, Joseph, David, Solomon, and of course Moses and Pharaoh.

It is obvious (with a bit of critical thinking) that the Mohammedan message was merely a variation on the same old Israelite/Jewish theme. In other words, the Islamic sharia is the Jewish Talmud but with a twist. That’s why the hardline Islamic Salafis/Jihadists share the same (Arabian) dogmatic ideology of the Jewish Haredis

To make his case strong, Mohamed made it clear from the start that he came to finish up what his predecessors had started, but somehow failed to accomplish.     The reason for that failure and consequently the dismay of God had been the Jews’ deviation from the creator’s righteous way. When Mohamed was referring to his creator God (Allah) he was not speaking of some foreign god the Israelites/Jews were not familiar with. For the one supreme deity the northern Arabian tribesmen of Hejaz and Mecca referred to as ‘Allah’ the southern Arabian Jewish tribesmen in Yemen called ‘Elohim’ (a narrative that is frightfully alien to any western values and traditions)

In that sense Islam’s main conflict was with the Jews and the pagans of Arabia. Mohamed made it unambiguously clear that his mission was to accomplish the final mission many of his predecessors failed to do, namely unite all of Arabia’s tribes under Allah/Elohim banner. That he most certainly did, and mainly by beating/subjugating the Jewish tribes of Arabia.

This in a way explains the concept of Jihad/militancy/belligerence that permeate the whole of Islam’s scripture/literature.

That also explains why the Muslim scripture/literature is somewhat anti-Jewish. For Mohamed to rise to power in Arabia (and beyond) he simply had to dominate the Arabian Jewish tribes and usher in a new era in Arabia, the era of Islam. But make no mistake, this new Islamic faith had relied on and incorporated the same ancient tales of Arabia that Judaism did before, namely the stories of Abraham and his (Arabian) Israelite tribe.

When the west was duped

But then how come the western world had so miserably/gullibly come to believe that Judaism is one of the core components of western spirituality and culture. Well, that was the result of a distorted translation of the ‘Hebrew book’ into Greek (mother tongue of all western languages) that came to be known as ‘Septuagint Bible’

In that Greek translation (the mother source of all the Bibles around the western world) seventy Jewish scribes had deceitfully relocated the geography of the Israelite stories from its original Arabian place to new places that were then under the Greek colonial rule, namely Egypt and Palestine.

In the New Greek translation, that took place in the 3rd century BC at the legendary library of Alexandria, ancient Egypt and Palestine were hijacked and the kings of Egypt were overnight turned into ‘Pharaohs’.

In the process of westernizing/Hellenizing the Hebrew (Arabian) tales Egypt had been turned into the land of the Israelite Exodus just as Palestine tuned into their “Promised Land’

This (Greek/Jewish) brazen deception had undeservedly served as the infallible source/premise for all the scholars of ancient history and theology in the western world starting from the 3rd century BC and till this very current moment.  Do you start to discern the huge proportions of this brazen act of deception the west (and consequently the whole world) had long fell under its sway.

If you really do, then reach for the nearest Bible (that may be tucked under you own warm pillow) and start rereading the Bible properly, by omitting the bits and pieces about Egypt and Palestine. For Egypt knew no Pharaohs nor Israelites.

In case you decided to renounce falsehood, and instead embrace the truth that has been obliterated for thousands of years. Then you could/should read my book (Egypt knew no Pharaohs nor Israelites) available now on Amazon.

38 thoughts on “Abraham’s Pharaoh was not King of Egypt

  1. Hi Ashraf,

    Happy MLK Day (2019)!

    This particular essay of yours is certainly relevant to the occasion, and is delightfully “all over the map” (sarcasm intended, lol)! I do appreciate the spirit of your inquiry. Please accept that my own “Road to Damascus” is also “paved with good intentions” (haha).

    My reply will attempt to tie together five related themes and hopefully demonstrate that your objections to traditional scriptural interpretations are justified.

    1) After “seeing the light,” why did Paul take flight to Arabia and then return to Damascus within a three year period (Galatians 1:17)?

    Paul was being designated as a type of Elijah to the Gentiles. John the Baptist had played that same part on the Jewish stage, but his act was now ended (and “rejected” by the crowd). Paul, in his own (“popularly if not critically acclaimed”) rendition of Elijah, had to likewise endure a symbolic death, including a name change from Saul/Saulus/Phasaelus to Paul.

    The story of Elijah went as follows: After a death sentence was placed on the head of Elijah, he bolted to Beersheba (the site of Abraham’s covenant with King Abimelech), and had to be resuscitated before making an arduous 40 day/night journey to Mt. Horeb/Mt. Sinai (site of the Moses covenant). He was then directed to leave for Damascus, where he was to announce various political appointments and name Elisha (an Old Testament analog of Jesus) as his personal successor.

    Paul, in the role of a neo-Elijah, does not describe his itinerary in Arabia, but the letter to the Galatians is a dead giveaway. Galasa (a.k.a. Gerasa, Jerash and Garshu) was within the jurisdiction of Amman/Philadelphius, that is, where Ptolemy II Philadelphius had established his own “covenant” in Arabia. His predecessor Ptolemy I Soter was granted Arabia (along with Egypt and Libya) by the so-called Council/Partition of Babylon (323 BC), but his plans/activities in Arabia are unknown and may have been delayed until the reign of Ptolemy II.


    Note: The contrived nature of Paul’s “escape from Damascus” is revealed when it is recognized that Damascus was at that time ruled by the Nabatean king Aretes IV and it was to the Arabian territory of Aretes IV that Paul “fled.”

    It had also been “on the road to Damascus” that Ptolemy joined the funeral procession of Alexander the Great. Upon reaching Damascus, Ptolemy then “stole the body” of Alexander and took it to Egypt. For this and other acts of perceived insubordination, Ptolemy earned a death sentence, but eventually prevailed over his “hardline” rivals.

    Ptolemy occupied Syria (and by association, Damascus) in 318 BC but had to withdraw in 315 BC under pressure from General Antigonus. He was back again three years later in 312 BC but once more forced out by Antigonus. After the defeat of Antigonus, Ptolemy took possession of Damascus for the last time, but his right to the city was not ratified by his peers, who denounced Ptolemy as a “deserter.” Ptolemy also took “Jerusalem” (not just the one in Palestine, if it did exist at that time, but Thebes in Upper Egypt) and by cowardly/dishonorable/ deceptive means. On the other hand, he became very popular in Lower Egypt through the creation of a new and outlandish religion, Serapis. He also became a biographer/ chronicler/interpreter on the life of Alexander.

    2) Why were the “children” of the “present Jerusalem” allegorically declared “slaves” and commanded to be driven out (“gotten rid of”) in favor of “children” of a “higher Jerusalem” (Galatians 4:22-31) even as Hagar and Ishmael were previously sent away in favor of Isaac?

    It becomes quite clear that Saul/Paul of the New Testament was operating in the role of a new Ptolemy Soter, and even as Jesus was being typecast as the new Alexander the Great. Like Alexander, Jesus left it to Paul as the new Ptolemy to become chief architect of the new religion of their time. The Ptolemies had continued to cultivate the “most-favored-religion” of Judaism alongside that of the new faith Serapis. Ptolemy, after capturing Jerusalem, was highly conciliatory toward the Jews. He did, however, establish a new capital in Upper Egypt called Ptolemais. His successors would ultimately destroy the former Jerusalem (Thebes) of Upper Egypt and deport the inhabitants to Palestine.

    After his “conversion” and “calling,” Paul kowtowed to the Jerusalem leadership (of James and Peter) but chose to focus almost exclusively on the new religion of Christianity. In his epistle to the Galatians, Paul spelled out that the “present Jerusalem” was every bit as doomed as the former one. The adherents of traditional Judaism were to be relegated to the status of Ishmaelites and allegorical (if not also literal) slaves. For this “desertion,” Paul was generally berated by his own peers.

    3) How can the “Egyptian” Hagar be associated with Mt. Sinai of Arabia?

    Hagar was a royal princess in her time, however her royal standing was not quite as high as that of Sarah (due to her age and other aspects of royal “pecking order”). Nevertheless, Hagar is being racially profiled in the Biblical account. Discrimination of children/descendants based solely on the status of a mother (rather than merit or other criteria) is pure royal culture. It clearly reveals the source of racial and religious intolerance in today’s world. The royal family was primarily if not solely responsible for this. Theirs was a “winner-take-all” system in which inheritance was not shared and a strict hierarchy was maintained even within the royal family itself. Only the direct line of royal succession remained “free.” All others were considered servants/subjects or even slaves to the crown. (But, perhaps we are moving on from a concept of divinity that tolerates nothing other than slaves, voluntary/willing ones or otherwise.)

    Regardless of Sarah’s exact age (which is obviously being exaggerated along with Abram’s for effect), her “biological clock” was ticking loudly. Her years of fertility were ending and she didn’t want to waste any remaining opportunities to preserve her high status. It was Abram’s royal duty to assist her, even as it had been Sarah’s duty to assist Abram in producing a child through Hagar and possibly through other qualified ladies. Abram’s initial heir (before the birth of Ishmael) was named as Eliezer of Damascus.

    Note: The Bible stories are using terms that would have been familiar to a contemporary audience. It wouldn’t have improved the stories if antiquated names and terms had been used. We should not get hung up on such anachronisms. The main point is that these narratives are about the activities and culture of the ancient royal family, the most discriminatory institution of all time (other than perhaps the National Basketball Association, lol)!

    4) Why was Sarah successively taken into the harems of a “pharaoh” and then a “king” before conceiving Isaac?

    Within royal culture, the births of Ishmael and Isaac were highly typical. The royal breeding model was a “round-robin” system in which every royal male mated (repeatedly) with every royal female until heirs were produced. The royal family was maximally inbred, therefore many royal pairs were completely infertile (no matter how many times they tried). It is openly admitted in the Book of Genesis that Sarah was the half-sister of Abram.

    As the Book of Galatians states, Abraham was the father of Ishmael in the normal way. In other words, he was the biological father. However, Isaac was not born to Abraham in that same way. Isaac had to be sired for Abraham rather than by him. That is the significance of Abram “pimping out” Sarah in every major principality they visited. The so-called pharaoh in Egypt (Apophis II) was a close male relative to both Abram and Sarah. In fact, Abram had the status of a king/pharaoh himself in Egypt (under the Egyptian name of Djehuty/Teti) and Sarah, as her very name suggests was a princess (and eventually a queen by the stereotypical name of Isis). This Djehuty/Teti was appointed Viceroy of Nubia (Kush) in the early 18th Dynasty, at which time Qasr Ibrim in Nubia was established. The name Ibrim is an obvious variant of the Biblical Abram, “exalted father.” However, in the Nubian language Ibrim means “foundation or origin.”


    Note: Royal persons were from everywhere and nowhere. The entire world was considered their personal dominion. They traveled extensively. An “elderly” Abram and Sarah would have been carried around in a litter, if necessary. It would not be surprising if Abram/Abraham/Djehuty also visited southern Arabia. He certainly spent time in India where he inspired the tradition of Brahma.

    Judging by the Genesis narrative, “King Abimelech” seems to have somewhat lesser royal status than “Pharaoh,” however it is not until just after Sarah’s tryst with Abimelech that the birth of Isaac is announced. The name Abimelech means, “Father of the King,” and the true paternity is revealed by association. Ishmael was a true prince and possessed the name of Sen-em-Mioh (“Man of the Moon-Goddess”) in Egypt. However, Isaac implicitly became a king, namely The Great King Thutmose III. The “subjugation” of Ishmael was no insult to his pedigree, it was simply an outcome of the inflexible politics of the Royal Age. There could be only one successor to the Great Throne.

    5) What does all this have to do with the career of Paul in the New Testament?

    Royal protocol had changed very little (if at all) by the time of Jesus. As genetic fate would have it, the prince we now know as Jesus became the biological father of the continuing royal line. Jesus (Roman: Marcus Junius Silanus Torquatus) was a type of Abimelech. Paul (Roman: Aemilius Lepidus/Paullus the Younger) had an initial royal status even higher than that of Jesus, but due to infertility he had to eventually defer. Paul was compelled to become a type of Abraham and be contented with the “promise” of descendants that were not really his own.



  2. I enjoyed reading your article and some how it makes sense, however, how can you address the issue of the suggested meeting between Moses and God on the top of the Al Tour mountain in Sinai Egypt ??! If you say that the meeting was not in Sinai this means that you are in complete disagreement with what has been stated in the Muslim Quran specially in the Al teen ( the fig) chapter??!!!


    1. Abram had reason to be told by the death-bed wish of his father to take all astronomy of Ur to the Pharaoh. Josephus mistakenly thinks it means ALL of Egyptian astronomy comes from Egypt, but it means Egypt was given ALL of Ur’s astronomy. This gift is what got him into Pharaoh.


      1. Abram had reason to be told by the death-bed wish of his father to take all astronomy of Ur to the Pharaoh. Josephus mistakenly thinks it means ALL of Egyptian astronomy comes from Ur, but it means Egypt was given ALL of Ur’s astronomy. This gift is what got him into Pharaoh.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. While I appreciate your contribution, your academic paper is incomplete. You state you do not TEAR DOWN, this is exactly the end result of anyone that reads your information. What of YOD HEY that changed Abram’s name?


  4. Dr. Ezzat,

    I enjoy your articles. Do you plan on releasing a hard copy of your book? I prefer not to have my reading material in electronic form.


  5. @This essay is not aimed at discrediting/questioning the belief of the faithfuls of Abrahamic religions; rather to clarify the (long) ambiguity about their historical origins.

    Dr. Ezzat,
    I do not doubt that you don’t want to discredit the beliefs… My feeling is that some unclarities persist. I refer to the fact that whereas Judaism and Islamism are two sides of the same coin, Christianity is something really different and from the start opposed to Judaism. It was not the ‘invention’ of Paul (but in the proper sense of ‘inventio’=discovery, revelation). Christ revealed himself to the Pharisee Saul, rabid persecutor of the Christians, on the road to Damascus. Paul sees the light and get baptized and instructed by the disciples of Jesus in Damascus. But he is instructed in the real story of Jesus, not the one peddled by the Pharisees. He immediately started proclaiming what the disciples were proclaiming, “the Messiah proclaimed by the Prophets is the Son of God, the Logos who was in the beginning, and became flesh and lived among us as Jesus. Jesus annuls the previous ‘testaments’ and brings a New Testament. This is what Christians believe and the Jews and Muslims deny. And the Jews and Muslims persecuted and persecute to this day the Christians.
    It was clear that Jesus was ‘a priest for ever after the manner of Melchizedek, the priest of the most high God’ who was before Abraham.’ That was not Paul’s invention either. Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I am”.
    It is true that the Western ‘Church’ was almost completely Judaized, but that is not the ‘normal’ evolution of it. The Orthodox Church was not. Jews have always been kept at arms length.


    1. The entire idea of religion is fraudulent. We earthlings are not supposed to worship anything or any one for that matter. Source of all creation – a creation that includes earth and life thereon – only wants all to live a life of thankfulness and helping one another in any way possible. That does not mean you help only fellow humans but all of life and everything has life for everything has light be it a dead stone or a cactus in the desert; everything vibrates with the light/life energy given by Source to exist and grow and mature and progress on the journey through this earth-life.
      Please remember all of Creation are interconnected no matter if its a human or an ET or an elephant or an amoeba and if one tiny piece is hurt or suffers all suffers. This concept was stolen by Christianity and projected onto their Body-of-Christ concept and they say we are all one body etc… There never was a Christ and there never will be and there is no need for one. These concepts/doctrines are all lies to exert power and control over the unsuspecting masses of humans by priests and popes and imams and bishops and whatever else.


    2. Read the article again and then Dr Ezzat’s comment on 6 January at 10h45AM and decide for yourself. All I can add is, may God Almighty as Source of All is called in the monotheistic religions, open your eyes and your heart. Bless you friend


      1. The majority doesn’t make it true. Good example is Christ Mass as i work with all world calendars. Half the Christendom is mainstream claiming birth of Jesus, the other half hates mainstream and claims it death of Nimrod.Every option as death of Nimrod is at age 500 (not 52-year Mars) and belongs to extended Genesis (with exception to the 2125-1625bc where Ur’s Mess-Kiang-NaNa of Ur and Mess-Kiang-Gasher of Ereck are presumed to be the same Mesh-King dying with the name Amizaduga in 1625bc). The simple fact is that all (at least 7) calendars cross on 2021bc Dec 25 and the option is either a Nimrod of 500 dying in year 950 from Assyrian Flood 2970bc, or Noah dying in year 350 at 950 after Flood 2370bc. As such it becomes a lost and ignore MEMORIAL OF NOAH as the dead Christ, the Xisuthros (Christos) that went to heaven in 2020bc on Persian Christ Mass Candle Mass Feb 2/3 which was that year Tot or Thoth 24/25. As such the Christ returns as Cyrus (Koresh which means The Throne) to build all gods temples or God’s temple 365 leap days later in 460 years regarded as one world cycle to new world in 560bc, where we find Buddha Gau Mata in India and also in China born of Mother Maya. Point is that both major halves of Christendom are wrong neither of them honoring this memorial or communion of Christ Noah. And sadly my mom’s JW watchtower also sleeps with the Christendom half that says it is Nimrod. So simply Do Not Touch, it is pork as Muslims say of anything untouchable. Tag it by a name and people obey. Tag Xmas as NImrod and apparently it also become pork (Pig). But the way Greeks offered a Pig because the Flood year ended and began the RAT year (Aquarius water rat which includes its rat-tail over Capricorn goat horns),which makes the Flood the pig year (Sagittarius pig face, or bundle of arrows). Using a 365-day calendar 1 year is lost without leap day and end up in Greek 168bc Dec 25, or 167bc Jan Kislev 25 instead of Pig year Feb 166bc. 2370bc October is Pig year in 360-day until Monkey year 2030bc Oct overlaps 2029bc Jan as Monkey. The confusion occurs with 365-day inaugurated in 2030bcas Sheep year Pamenot July, to be Monkey 2029bc Pamenot July which at Exodus will become claimed as 2020bc Thoth January. Aquarius in 2000bc is January not February so that modern calculations are wrong to say 2029bc Feb 5 new moon when the winter solstice Jan 6 is the new moon eclipse of Aquarius of 2029bc.

        Before Thoth 24/25 became Persian Zoroaster 388bc Christmas (Den /Deen /Din means ten /teen) taken from 2020bc Feb 2/3, the persian calendar and Egypt used Kayak 24/25 the 10th month (from Pamenot). This date is the mass suicide in Ur followed by Christmas morn May 6 which then drifted back without lep days to Greek 1498bc Dec 25 and then claimed to be 365 leap days 1460 years after Greek NOah Flood 2958bc when Kayak 25 was last on Dec 25 and then claimed rapture of the ark upward 40 days instead of rapturing Noah’s body at death in 2020bc.

        CONCLUSION if NASA is wrong and 2019 Feb 2 is asteroid impact by 2002NT7 then the saints must die in trial by the USA in New York destroying British 1914 license of God Jehovah to complete 144,000 saints who will be rewarded then the same 40 days in flesh as Jesus was before that impact occurs. Prediction is if impact occurs, no one will be saved unless angels of flesh say get out of Sodom go to the mountains.


    1. Don’t worry, the Only True religion is Islam without any doubt. It is obvious that Ashraf Ezzat’s knowledge about Islam is minimal and distorted, or should I say that he’s avoiding to talk about Islam? Is it because he wants to sell his book to western people? And this is why he wrote it in English not Arabic.
      He said the Israeli tribe was a small one in Arabia, so why doesn’t he realize, then, that this minute tribe has stolen, copied and distorted the stories of Abraham (who was an Arabian prophet living in Arabia), Mousa, Joseph, Jesus and Mouhammed who were all prophets of Islam?
      His book is not the first on this subject. He copied many ideas from Dr. Kamal Saliby, a Lebanese former Director of History and Archeology at Lebanese University.

      Prof. Mohaj Chanel


    2. Don’t worry, the Only True religion is Islam without any doubt. It is obvious that Ashraf Ezzat’s knowledge about Islam is minimal and distorted, or should I say that he’s avoiding to talk about Islam? Is it because he wants to sell his book to western people? And this is why he wrote it in English not Arabic.
      He said the Israeli tribe was a small one in Arabia, so why doesn’t he realize, then, that this minute tribe has stolen, copied and distorted the stories of Abraham (who was an Arabian prophet living in Arabia), Mousa, Joseph, Jesus and Mouhammed who were all prophets of Islam?
      His book is not the first on this subject. He copied many ideas from Dr. Kamal Saliby, a Lebanese former Director of History and Archeology at Lebanese University.

      Prof. Mohaj Chanel


    1. I did download the app for my PC but still am unable to buy the book. Sorry. But what I will do is write you a review on this article, which I presume is a kind of synopsis of the book? I would like to stay in touch with you: here is my contact address – romanovski.mic@yandex.com.
      Have a wonderful day, doctor!


    2. You are not born in that time and the people you learned that ideas are not born also in that time. How could you possibly say that those people you entrust your opinion or even yourself are telling the truth???? Who knows…. this is the only thing that JESUS said blessed are those who believe even though they did not see me…..


  6. Thank you Dr Ezzat for your awesome work to expose the truth finally to all the world. May the One that created the Universe, Source of All that Is, bless your work and your person for he has called you up at this time to go before him and proclaim your truths. Namaste!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Truth is only given to the select few who are ‘fortunately’ able to perceive it. buholanoit8, I do believe that you are one of those select few. Bless you for your encouraging comment. And I hope you’d consider reading my book and may be do me the honor of writing a review on my Amazon’s page

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thank you for your kind answer and yes you are right I have been prepared most of my life to receive these truths and others as well. I seriously want to read your book and write a review thereof but alas like many “prophets” of my class and age, I am unable to buy it.
        May you continue to be blessed by Source. Namaste!


  7. Chistianity may differ in teachings from the brutal hateful incitement to violence, as found in the Jewish Talmud and the Islamic Quran, however root origins are connected; (Constantine – Roman Empire – Pauls writings – from stories out of hebrew books before that, dating back to ABRAHAM, & plagiarised from Ancient Sumerian Culture from the beginning).
    Read Z. Sitchins books that explain human origins, interfered with by ANNANUKI (Ancient Aliens who demanded blood SACRIFICES), then overlay this knowledge with John Lamb Lash interpretation of NAG HAMMADI CODICES.
    These works, will reveal Gnostic perception of very dark forces in play, abusing human-kind through deception & trickery; (Using mind control & religious fanaticism, up to and including to this present 21st Century period).
    A study of all the above, will then allow one to understand the motivations and great lies of “THE CHOSEN PEOPLE” (Chosen by themselves, to justify genocide against other tribes, – this fraudulent idea since accepted by gullible Zionist Christians who have not studied the roots of their doctrine & dogmas handed down through the Roman Catholic Church into the “Reformation” era.)

    Then consider the history of Secret Societies, Freemasons, new & current Empire USA – Hegemony controlling Oil, Gas, Pipelines, manipulating wars through ALLIED interests (Saudi-Qatar-Turkey-NATO), to realise we are all enslaved by these ELITES (ILLUMINATI BANKSTERS), WHO CONTROL THE WORLDS RESOURCES. (As well as owning the Controlled Mass Media channels that dumb down the sheeple.)

    Is it any wonder why in 2016 the world knows no PEACE?
    Everything we are taught by institutions of Government and Religion are based on LIES.

    Condemnation of WARS & ATROCITIES for profit by these depraved psychopaths is one thing, but in this internet computer age of enlightenment, there should be no room for indifference or apathy and non action because we in the comfortable west are not yet directly affected by daily suicide bombers.

    Dr Ezzat in this essay and in his book, show LIGHT on understanding the Judeo-Christian mess we call civilisation, clashing with ISLAMIC IDEOLOGY, used by the ELITES for profit through wars & conflict. To quote Dr Ezzat; ” In other words, the Islamic sharia is the Jewish Talmud but with a twist. That’s why the hardline Islamic Salafis/Jihadists share the same (Arabian) dogmatic ideology of the Jewish Haredis”.

    And thats why there is no PEACE, because “Something” very dark & malevolent is at work against humanity, using these Abrahamic Religions and false historical narratives.
    (c) Hermes Trismegistus 5.1.2016

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Christianity is a fraud and therefore the reason why there never has been peace on earth since the “child was born in Bethlehem; Judaism is a fraud and therefore the reason why Zionism came to be and is ruling the political, scientific and economic world; Islam is a fraud and therefore the reason for all the jihads we have throughout history. All three religions were created by people that want to utterly control the world, the people and resources.


      1. I totally agree with your comments because recently, I’ve been lied to by this charlatan in particular who came to our Church and prayed for my hearing defect but to no avail. Our local pastor appears to be a fraudster to since he has made a few statements about people getting healed overseas which is a way of covering up their deceits and lies! Both husband and wife team are our local pastors who meant well and gave excellent sermons but when it comes to faith healing, it never eventuated. However, I think there is a difference between faith healing and divine healing, isn’t there?


  8. It is not possible that the same God has been the inspiration of the three Abrahamic religions. Islam, and Judaism are instructing their faithfuls to be violent against their enemies, while Christianity instructs its faithful to be forgiving and loving to all. The two are diametrically opposed, Islam/Judaism on one side, and Christianity on the other. Such can be another way to direct our attention to the tribal violence in the Arabian desert, as opposed to the different less violent culture of the Levan.

    Liked by 2 people

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